Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" Meaning (Theme)

Meaning (Theme) : 
Does the story leave you thinking anything? Feeling anything? What do you make out of it all?
Passive aggressive
people are difficult to accommodate, difficult to ignore.
Passive resistance is a radical form of rebellion. 
Offices, where Americans spend
the greater part of their lives, are not democracies.
Have a life outside work! Don't expect your occupation to bear the burden of your
What other ideas does the story suggest to you?

This story leaves me thinking about how certain jobs affect some people.  Bartleby's previous occupation at the dead letters office brought him depression and feelings of hopelessness.  I actually never thought that jobs could have that effect on people.  I understand that people with jobs experience things like stress and exhaustion, but I never really thought about any other emotions brought on by one's occupation.  After reading Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street, I started to wonder if there are others who experience what Bartleby did.  I wonder if that is what people who always complain that their job is driving them crazy feel.  In addition to that, I now feel scared that this might happen to me if I ever get a job that I am not pleased with.  Now I think things like 'Will I become depressed because of that occupation?' or 'What if I am driven insane with the negative emotions I experience?'. 

Now I can understand why employees are always complaining that their occupation isn't doing them any good.  I can understand why some employees are always in a bad mood.  Reading Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street clarified for me the reason why some working people show negative attitudes or feelings.  I know now that these feelings come from the fact that these employees are not happy with where they work.  Maybe the people who I see frowning all the time on the train are employees who don't feel satisfied with their occupation.  Bartleby's passive resistance was finally understood when the Boss revealed that he used to work at a dead letters office, which is a really depressing occupation.  The effects of that occupation of Bartleby were obviously really serious.  I have yet to see those serious effects on someone and, when I do, I believe I will have a better understanding thanks to Bartleby.

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